It takes a village

Hello you flowers for algernon.

dogs breakfast.jpg

It's official!  The dog days of summer have arrived in Ottawa, and these days are toasty little beasts (46 degrees with the humidity this weekend-- but then I remember my future self in February, and I make sure to enjoy the heat regardless of its intensity)... I think everyone is feeling a little wilted right now, and one's energy these days is mostly reserved for turning on the fan and eating ice cubes.  So consequently, to continue with the canine metaphors, this week's dispatch might be a bit of a dog's breakfast. 

While weathering this heat wave (pun intended), I am also in the midst of getting ready to be on holiday for a couple of weeks while also moving forward a bunch of exciting projects (more to come in future dispatches).  Therefore, the past week has been a flurry of activity as different threads get pulled together and/or tied up, so that all of the moving parts can either lie fallow in my absence or keep moving while I am gone.

The good news is that I will have some welcome down-time coming up soon, so there is a clear and beachy light at the end of this tunnel. And the even-more-good news is that this process of stocktaking and tying up loose ends has revealed two little universal truths that I have been thinking about this week, both of which have left this platypus feeling so inspired and grateful for the past couple of months.

First off, in attempting to tie up some of the loose threads in preparation for holidays, I actually got to take a closer look at those threads--- and they are cuuuuuuuuuuuute! As you know, I have been planting a lot of seeds these past couple of months as I explore what projects I want to take on next. But as you will also know if you have been reading along with these dispatches, I have also been craving stillness and space-- and not really being able to carve out much-- in the midst of all this seed planting. While my quest for a bit more stillness is still elusive (but hopefully coming soon), I am also pleasantly surprised to see how all of the small, incremental steps I have been taking/ thinking I have been doing/ connections I have been making to build out a potential future are starting to come together. I think I had lost sight of the forest for the trees--- but I have now poked my head out of the weeds and I am so excited at the garden that is growing. #MixedMetaphors #WhereDidTheDogsGo #AlsoForests? #IAmAllAboutGardensNow #KeepUp

The second truth I have been able to properly take note of in all of this thread-tying is an oldie but a goodie: that being that I really am surrounded by some amazing people in my life. Whether colleagues, friends, family or community-- they have all helped me cultivate this crazy garden that seems to be taking root around me. They help me everyday by asking questions, sharing wisdom, exploring ideas, telling me when I am nuts, helping to keep things moving, cheerleading, mentoring, laughing, supporting, distracting, and generally caring about me and my hopes and wishes for the future. It is such a gift. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to nurture dreams for the future. Not everything in this garden I am cultivating will be harvestable-- I know that-- but I also know that none of it would be growing at all without such wonderful people participating in this adventure with me.

So that's basically what I have been reflecting on this week in the haze of a humidity-filled sunscape: appreciating the power of small, incremental efforts to make big cumulative strides; and recognizing all of the beautiful people who have been part of making these strides happen so far. Neither reflection is new to me or to the world, but it is nice to be reminded of some of life's truths sometimes.   

But wait! Is all of this talk of gardens, and forests and dogs and villages a bit too conceptual on a sunny Sunday morning?  Then please enjoy this article distilling the main lessons from the famous Yale Happiness Class (spoiler alert: our default minds are often our own worst enemies, but there are ways to get around much if it) 

Still too much information and not enough sensation?  Then check out this video of a a gentleman jumping rope with a pack of pups. #WeAreBackToDogs

BONUS END OF DISPATCH SPECTACULAR: Speaking of sensation (and moving away from dogs again), please watch the trailer that was released this week for the movie adaptation of "Cats." Trying to turn this headscratcher-of-a-musical into a movie was a brazen choice to begin with, so perhaps not unexpectedly, the trailer for the movie is a confusing mess both for people who know the musical but I think especially those who have not seen it. Want an extra dose of the "Cats" ridiculousness?  Search on twitter and youtube for reactions to the trailer--- the world is very confused... and I am loving it! But seriously, I am excited to see Jennifer Hudson in the role, but never forget how incredible Elaine Paige was as Grizabella... skip to the 3:00 mark for the climax (Also Barbara Streisand, also Mamie Parris, also Heather Headly, also Stephanie J. Block, also... I may have fallen down a bit of a "Memory" rabbit hole... don't judge me)

From one mixed-metaphored person to another, I am glad that we can support each other in building our futures together. I hope you enjoyed this dispatch, and have an inspiration-filled week!

Until next Sunday,
The Earnest Platypus