

It all started when…

…the Earnest Platypus (AKA Amy Bartlett) thought some thoughts, and consequently thought she would share those thoughts with others who think thoughts too.

Why a platypus you may ask? Well, platypuses are part duck, part beaver and a wonder of evolutionary creativity ( as well as being awkward and confusing as a species)— and so are we all!

The Earnest Platypus offerings revolve around the theme of how to be human— from exploring the basics of healthy interpersonal connection to coping with stress to being a better human in the world to appreciating the joy of cooking— each dispatch offers a musing and curated bouquet of links that is intended to provide a springboard for your own appreciation and reflection. Or maybe you are just here for the weird Youtube videos— that is okay too.

Want to learn more? Check out the blog for the latest musings. You can also check out my academic blog chronicling my PhD adventures, or my sewing blog archiving many of my quilting and sewing efforts.

Questions/comments/tips? Please drop me a line— I would love to hear from you and your beautiful platypusness!