Get thee to a sunnery!

Hello you long and winding road.


As you are reading this (assuming you are reading this on Sunday) I am currently in jolly old Sweden, celebrating with my dear friend Anders and basking in the afterglow of Anders and Witek's beautiful wedding celebration in Malmo. With the wedding over, I am now packing my things to head to Falsterbo on the southwestern Swedish coast for a few days of sun, sand and stillness before heading back to Canada.  And so, I will be keeping this week's dispatch relatively short and sweet.

That said, since we are in peak summer, I imagine many people out there are in a similar sandy frame of mind: hopefully either on holiday or contemplating some sunny down time coming up soon. So I wanted to share a few interesting tidbits to inspire your (and my) summer escape:

  • Speaking of city visits, I shared this in a previous dispatch, but I think it is worth re-sharing. Great piece on the art of noticing

But wait! Is all this talk of chillaxing still a bit too ambitious on a sunny Sunday morning?  Then please enjoy this beautiful video of the sound of thousands of monarch butterflies

Still too much realness?  Then check out this video of the chillest frog on the planet

From one holiday-ing person to another, I am glad that we can delight in the privilege of taking time off together. I hope you enjoyed this dispatch, and have a sun-filled week!

Until next Sunday,
The Earnest Platypus