
Hello you justice of the peace.


Cha-cha-cha-changes!  This week I am contemplating my upcoming transition out of the Refugee Hub in the spring-- and so I have "change" on the brain.  As a professionally (and until recently geographically) nomadic person whose shelf life in a role usually sits at the 2 to 3 year mark, I am typically quite comfortable with change, and in fact often crave it. Or perhaps more specifically, I think I crave meaningful variety and having a diversity of experience. So in my eternal quest for variety and meaning, embracing change becomes an inevitable part of that journey.

I feel like I have learned SO much over the past two years about refugee protection and organization building, and I am proud of what I have been able to build and contribute to the development of the Hub-- but in particular I have THOROUGHLY enjoyed working with the wonderful people in this community.  As I look towards this transition, I am inspired by the people and issues I have encountered to think more deliberately about how to integrate the learnings, experiences and relationships of my present into the future.

“Look closely at the present you are constructing.
It should look like the future you are dreaming.”
Alice Walker

When change comes a calling, it can be easy to get excited (or nervous) about what's ahead and move right into planning for the future. I think this would be a mistake, especially with such a rich two years under my belt, so I want to take stock of what the present looks like-- what I love, what makes me happy, what I value, what I have contributed, what I have failed at, what I have learned, how I have grown-- to figure out what comes with me into the 'what's next'.

Now wait a sec.  Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you hear the distant echos of Auld Lang Syne rattling around in your brain as you read this?  Well yes, I am basically looking to adopt a bit of a "New Year" mentality to taking stock of the present. There are HUNDREDS of tools, tips and tactics for starting off the new year on fresh footing. But there is nothing in the rule book that says these tools, tips and tactics can't be handy in an actual moment of transition (rather than one that society has randomly determined for us).  A few of the ones I am intrigued by so far include Catherine Andrews' handy little self-assessment guide (it is worth clicking through to the slide show, I promise), making a list of everything you have been doing right, doing a full unraveling of your year/experience, and if you want to get REALLY epic with the calculations and spreadsheets, you can do a full annual life review or calculate your 20% happiness quotient a la Tim Ferris. 

I will inevitably be writing again about this upcoming transition as my mind starts turning towards whats next. But for this week, I want to marinate in the wonderful experiences, exceptional people and valuable learning I have been able to have in my life over the past two years. 

And hey!  If all of these spring-is-in-the-air vibes are just too much anxiety-inducing hogwash for you right now, please watch this video of a little girl holding a corn dog dancing to Beyonce. I love every freaking second of this joyful masterpiece of a clip.

From one change-loving person to another, I am glad that we can navigate the shifting sands of life together. I hope you enjoyed this dispatch, and have a variety-filled week!

Until next Sunday,
The Earnest Platypus