I did this to myself

Hello you kaleidoscope of colors.

So friends: I could try to cobble something meaningful together-- there is so much going on and so much to reflect on and explore together right now. But the honest truth is that I am running on the wispy-est of fumes in this moment, and I would be doing myself a disservice to try to spend the day sitting in front of my computer writing another essay instead of doing what I need to do-- which is get off of this machine, go for a walk by the river, jam my face into the crisp, sunny morning and breathe. 

Did I know that going to school full time while running my own business and overcommitting myself with wonderful side projects was going to catch up with me?  Yes.  

Am I surprised I have gotten to this state of breathlessness? No.

Does this awareness change the experience? Well... actually yes.  

I am grateful for all of the things in my life contributing to this breathlessness-- it feels like too much, but it is also full of insight and abundance, even the difficult parts. I am also grateful to understand that I have made choices to get me into this situation, even if I could see it coming. This is my own doing, and in typical fashion, I both love that I am in this horn-of-plenty situation in some ways; and yet I have compassion for the anxiety, fears and neuroses I carry that have compelled me to keep moving forward in this way when I probably shouldn't. 

Knowing I have made decisions that have brought me to this place-- one that is both nourishing and impossible at the same time-- I am grateful to know that I can make different decisions. 

So that is where we are at this week. 

I have so many things I could be doing right now to be productive, but I want to make a different decision and step off the treadmill for a few hours. Thank you for understanding this decision. As a gesture of goodwill, I am going to share a few interesting articles I read the past few weeks that I enjoyed/ think others might enjoy:  

And on that note, I am going to schedule this dispatch to send out to you tomorrow morning, get off my computer and attempt to be a human being in the real world. If you are feeling similarly, please feel welcome to join in on the off-screen revelry.

But wait! Perhaps all of this talk of wispy fumes is feeling a bit too intense on a sunny Sunday morning? Well then check out this lovely short video narrating David Whyte's poem "Blessings"-- really beautiful.

Still too much realness? Then for a little perspective, why not escape this planet and check out this very fun and slightly mind-blowing tour of relative size in astronomy. And speaking of space, in least-important-information-of-the-week news, check out who hitched a ride on this week's SpaceX launch....

From one breathless person to another, I am glad that we can get off our computers and be outside together. I hope you enjoyed this dispatch, and have an abundance-filled week!

Until next Sunday,
The Earnest Platypus