Sleepy Baby

sleep juice.jpg

Hello you lovely beast.

Welcome to the first weekly dispatch from the desk of the Earnest Platypus.

Well, now that we have that out of the way...  uhhhhhhhhh... I am still not sure what this thing is going to be, but here we go.  Nothing like stepping blindfolded off a precipice of unknown height and jaggedness to get the creative juices flowing. Right? RIGHT?!

Speaking of juice, I have been reading this week about the importance of sleep.

I liked this article from Life Hacker talking about tips for getting better quality sleep, as well as the science behind the suggestions.  Bottom line: manage the light coming into your beautiful face throughout the day, caffeine is your morning-only friend, short naps are a joy, love the bed you're in, and take a moment to breathe before bed.

I feel a restful night coming on...

Snooze well tonight, gentle friends.

Want more ideas? I am sure everyone has heard about Ariana Huffington's personal sleep revolution. You can always also check out her page of sleep resources. But don't feel obligated to buy anything on this page--- the meta-message here is that it can be life-changing to get better quality and quantities of sleep. I think we can receive this oft-forgotten nugget of daily wisdom without spending money.

Or buy a new lavender-scented, cooling-gel, hypoallergenic bamboo contour pillow. I am not your mother.


A final note:

I have sent this very first weekly dispatch out to the entire Festive Platypus list, but moving forward, this weekly will only be sent to those people who have indicated their explicit desire to be included in the weekly listserv. The Earnest Platypus is passionate about many things, including CASL compliance!

So this is your final reminder:

If you want to join in on the platypus party and receive the weekly dispatches in 2019, please sign up here

I hope you enjoyed this week's dispatch, and have a happy sleep week!

Until next Sunday,
The Earnest Platypus

Amy BartlettComment