Zzzzz... but also happy anniversary to us!

Hello you tasteful plaid shirt.


The week between December 25 and the 31st always feels a bit like a hibernation-esque time warp for me, and this year is no exception.  It's been a fuzzy blur of warm drinks, nature walks, rambling conversations, quiet reading, sunny days, cooking and card games.  In this pillow-y space of post-holiday, family-laden rural New Brunswick, time seems to pass so quickly and yet so luxuriously, and aside from a few things I want to do for my own edification, I am more or less free to go with the flow and do whatever feels right. 

And so it is in this generously spacious spirit that this week's dispatch is sent.

Naturally, swimming in this warm Lake of Chillax lends itself to a bit of reflection.  So as I sit down to write this last dispatch of 2019, what I am feeling most is a genuine and slightly overwhelming sense of gratitude for YOU. Whether you joined us this month as part of the Festive Platypus Digital Advent Calendar, or joined as one of the old guard at the very beginning-- I continue to feel so lucky to be part of this little community, and with a year now officially under my belt, I am totally in love with the opportunity/obligation to put pen to paper every week (even when things are busy and it's a push to get it written and out the door). The reality is, I am perpetually tickled pink that people actually read what I am putting out there, and the private moments of mutual resonance and connection around a dispatch topic are so special to me.  

It is a generous gesture in today's time-starved culture to set aside time to read these dispatches, and I am genuinely touched that you do.


2019 has been a joy, and I look forward to continuing to explore with you what it means to be a human being in 2020. 

While I am proud of the entire effort in 2019, below are five dispatches to highlight if you feel like revisiting some classics, in no particular order:

And in case you want to revisit the awesome posts from our guest writers this November, please feel free to revisit the contributions from Leah, Jenn, Tara and Dad/ Robert!

By the way: people seemed to enjoy the guest posts, and I am toying with the idea of inviting a guest writer to contribute a dispatch once a month. If you would be interested in contributing in 2020, please get in touch (info@earnestplatypus.com)!

But wait! Is all this talk of fuzzy gratitude feeling a bit too intense on a sunny Sunday morning?  Then please enjoy this recent video of eleven monster raccoons that got stuck in a Toronto porch-- the commentary is pretty spectacular.

Still too much realness?  Then check out this very short tictoc video of some floating baby-dancing

From one hibernating person to another, I am glad that we can relax and reflect together. I hope you enjoyed this dispatch, and have a warm-fuzzies-filled week!

Until next Sunday,
The Earnest Platypus

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