A healthy dose of winter

Hello you very model of a modern major general.

Winter can be a magical time of year, full of all those charming snowscapes, skating parties and hot chocolate coziness. Ottawa in fact goes out of its way to make this-- the winter-y-est of winter months-- a pleasure by organizing the Winterlude festival each year, with its crown jewel: the Rideau Canal skateway. Beyond these gems, there are some truly unique activities that people in the area have dreamed up to try to get the most out of winter, including a skating path through the forest, the snowy awesomeness of Spa Nordik and winter camping in Gatineau Park.

So why am I giving you a run down of some of the cool ways to enjoy winter?  Because your mission-- should you choose to accept it-- is to go out and do ALL THE THINGS and send me pictures and reports of your beautiful winter adventures.

Don't mind me: my devastatingly poor immune system and I will stay inside under a blanket and surrounded by kleenex and advil, living vicariously through you and your charming winter life...

I genuinely like living in a city with four seasons, but each year I seem to always miss out on the best of what winter has to offer. In late October, my immune system looks at the dropping temperatures and waning sunshine, rolls its eyes, packs its bags and vacates the premises.  I am not sure where it goes (my hope is somewhere with lemon trees and bougainvillea), but my system is definitely on hiatus over the winter months as I fearlessly and fruitlessly try to fend off every virus and bacteria in my path. 

So as I get over yet another epic cold (already my second of the season), hacking up a lung and regretfully missing out on some of the wonderful ways to enjoy the winter, I am reflecting this week on how to try to stay healthy in the winter. Yes yes, the irony of my sharing health tips in the grips of yet another cold is not lost on me... but on the other hand, who better to share these suggestions than someone who has tried absolutely everything?  #checkmate

Shhhhh..... staying home/ being quiet

  • I know this may seem like a no-brainer, but I have really only recently integrated the realization that you will get better more quickly if you accept that you are sick and succumb to the need to heal. I have tried to be better at cultivating the art of being ill, and I think it is paying off

The miracle of the Netipot

  • My dismal sinus life changed a few years ago when I discovered this nasal miracle. I get that it is not for everyone, but if you struggle with your sinuses, this thing can be transformative.  There are lots of videos on how to use it if you are curious, and please don't pay for the little saline powder sachets-- you can make your own (which I do) with salt and baking soda

Supplemental, my dear Watson

  • VITAMIN D!! We in the northern hemisphere simply don't get enough Vitamin D in winter, and I do feel like it has made a difference for me to be taking a daily dose. That said, I am also a huge believer in the power of the placebo effect--- and it may be integrated into the future of medicine. So I am a pioneer, people. Speaking of placebo effect, I couldn't let the opportunity pass to irritate my father and mention how much I have enjoyed the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric. I am not promoting the recent trend of golden lattes-- to see any effect, you should probably take a large dose, and ideally with high levels of curcumin. But I feel like it helps, and am not beyond investing 10$ a month for a little placebo effect

Don't just wash, sanitize

  • Again, I get it. It is a no-brainer, along with getting the flu shot, coughing into your elbow, and not licking door handles.  But do it.  Highly recommended.  Added bonus: you will make Leah Bartlett really proud of you!

Mental health and your immune system

There you have it: my top tips so you can stay healthy and send me dispatches from your exciting winter life. I hope you enjoyed this dispatch, and have a health-filled week!

Until next Sunday,
The Earnest Platypus